Wednesday 15 March 2017

Money: Coutesy: Tor Matson

The secret is that money is created out of thin air, by special people. It’s willed into existence. It’s something of absolute and universal value, produced from absolutely nothing. Thus, it’s magic, strong magic. Money is magic. The people who make it are magicians. They have cast a spell on the world by writing special occult symbols on pieces of paper. By this device, they have come to own and control essentially everything. This would make “create money” the most powerful magical spell ever cast, I suppose. The world isn’t run by politicians, it’s run by money magicians, who can buy and sell the politicians.
The money magicians begin by making money out of thin air, as much as they wish. They loan it out, always asking interest in return. By further magical techniques with ledgers, and lately, computers, they then loan out many multiples of whatever amount of money they have, collecting interest on all of it.
And then, everybody else in the whole world spends their entire lives working and chasing and attempting to accumulate this money, borrowing enough to be be able to live and do something, someday, hopefully. Some succeed; most don’t. That’s built into the structure of the game.
It’s a rigged game. Because the money is lent upon interest, and must be repaid with more money, also borrowed at interest, the debt is mathematically unrepayable, exponentially growing. By manipulating cash flows, credit, and interest rates, those who create and control money can control everything and everyone. They’ve done so, and they’ve used their power to enrich the richest, and impoverish the rest. They apparently believe it’s in their interest to have everyone poorly educated, deep in debt, without resources, and thus forced into servitude of some sort, either military or corporate, or else the gulag.
The power of money creation is obviously the greatest power on Earth, when money can buy anything. Being able to create money is an almost Godlike power; imagine having your own printing press. Why, you could take over the world! Hmm…

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